Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Evening by the Ocean

It was about 5:30 in the afternoon when Nicholas came by the Aviary. I was still busy collecting feathers for the Storyteller's Symposium, which doesn't take place till Autumn, but as my beautiful birds shed their feathers reluctantly I always like to have a good head start. Greeting me, he gave me a sympathetic smile - I must have looked a right state, with my bird nest hair and my dusty gray bloomers.
- I think you could do with a good wash! he said, offering me a handkerchief to wipe my sweaty, gritty face. I'd have answered him with a glare, if I wasn't so exhausted.
- I was heading to the beach, fancy a break?
I was happy to oblige, just to get away.
We made short work of the lengthy path to the coast and once there, despite my tiredness I surrendered to the wonders of the ocean... I carried home with me some constellation pebbles, and a small wave kissed quartz, while Nicholas gathered some samples from the oceanic rockbreaker . We also made two new acquaintances: a pelagic penguin with an appetite for scones and blueberry jam (I always take a dozen or so with us when we are exploring) and a nautilus diver who almost made me clap with childlike enthusiasm as he gracefully took off and dived over and over into the waves....


  1. oh my! your painting is so beautiful! but the story is really what makes it all so personal. thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Lea,

    I've just discovered your blog. How wonderful! You should write a book. :)

    1. Hi Nikki :) Thank you! One day I hope I can gather all the work (like Nicholas is doing) and weave the pages into an otherworldly book xx

  3. I just found your blog thanks to Clemence from Oh the lovely things....I love your art! It's simply beautiful... :)

  4. When I first read about your pegalic penguin, I read it as "pegaleg penguin" (peg leg)!Hehe :)

    1. hahaha, that would have been a very interesting species indeed!
